Wednesday, May 30, 2007

my new idea.

so, i really enjoyed my word of the day posting, so i decided that whenever the word of the day is something that is particularly interesting or funny, i am going to write about it here.

today's word is gibe. it is a word that i know, but i don't use. today, i am going to make a conscious effort to use the word gibe in a conversation with my grandma. i think that it will be possible. we will be doing yard work. i will let you know.

i'm excited about my new blog.

i already said i was a closet nerd. but now it's not so much in the closet.


laurie said...

i'm very excited. after reading your blog about the word of the day...i decided to get on merriem-webster and sign myself up...yeah baby! word of the day...i'm on it!

chelle. said...

this blog is going to get better.
there are things in the works.
so, hold your horses and keep checking back.