Saturday, October 13, 2007


last october was a big month for me. actually, all of last year (2006) was a big year which led up to a big october. over the last year (2007), i have done a lot of learning and reflecting. and now that october has rolled around, i am doing more reflecting than usual.

so i found it very fitting that the word of the day for friday was retrospect. but instead of sharing with you retrospect, i have chosen to share retrospection.

retrospection \re-truh-'spek-shun\ noun
: the act or process or an instance of surveying the past

i have absolutely been having moments of retrospection and have been reassured that every decision i made, both good and bad, led me to where i am today. and even if i had to learn things the hard way, i am grateful that i have learned those things. and i am grateful for retrospection to remind me where i don't want to go again.